Sunday, May 1, 2011


What you're going to learn now it's just an incredible technique that has been used by the most famous memorizers in the world. They can memorize thousands of numbered words from a list and many other different things.
This technique can be used in many different ways. Since it is not only for mamorizing numbered words, it can help you remember phone numbers, dates, etc. Imagine how useful this technique can be for learning any kind of stuff. Taking an exam will be just an extremely funny event.
Incredible as it seems, it is not magic, and it is easy to learn. Of course, it demands a little bit of attention. These guys can do those incredible things because they have created a mental filing system. Once you have a mental filing system your memory can do amazing things.
In order to create a mental file you need to convert numbers into letters. Let's start with the numbers 0 to 9:

0  =  R 
1  =  L
2  =  S, Z, X, SH
3  =  M
4  =  C, K, Q
5  =  V, D
6  =  G, J
7  =  F, T
8  =  B
9  =  P, N 

These are the only letters that will represent (the) numbers. The vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and the letters W, H, and Y, won't be used here to represent any numbers.
Of course, memorizers have their own patterns to represent numbers, which can be different from the pattern suggested above. But if you think of these letters as capitals you will see that most of them show certain relation to the numbers they represent, for example, F and T are similar to number 7. In the case of number 5 the letter V is used here because this is number 5 in the Roman numerals. The letter D is also used to represent 5, because this letter represents number 500 in the Roman numerals. The letters C, K, Q, are used here to represent  number 4, because FOUR in Spanish is CUATRO, in Italian QUATTRO, and in French QUATRE. And K is used, because of the phoneme in these three cases.

Using letters instead of numbers is also hard to remember, but hiding numbers in words is extremely effective, for example, WHALE hides number 1, represented by the letter L. Remember that the vowels, and the letters W, H, and Y, don't represent any numbers, but of course, they are very useful, they help us form words.

Now read the numbers hidden in the following words:  WHALE, SHOE, HAM, KIWI, EVE.
This means that you will use a word to represent each number.

Let's create our first file consisting of the numbers 00 to 09:

00  =  ROWER
01  =  REEL
02  =  ROSE
03  =  ROOM
04  =  ROOK
05  =  RADIO
06  =  RUG
07  =  RAT
08  =  RIB
09  =  HARP 

Now, create a story by linking these words. Begin with ROWER and link consecutively until you reach HARP. Remember to add action when you imagine the things, animals, etc. that these words represent.


1 = WHALE  //  2 = SHOE  //  3 =  HAM  //  4 = KIWI (bird)  //
5 = EVE (Adam's wife)  //  6 = JAW  //  7 = UFO  //  8 = BOA  //
9 = PEA  //  10 = LYRE  //

11 = LILY  //  12 = LEASH  //  13 = LOOM  //  14 = LEAK  //
15 =  LEAD (metal)  // 16 = LOG  //  17 = LATHE  //  18 = LAB  //
19 = LION  //  20 = SHORE  //

21 = SEAL  //  22 = ASS  //  23 = SEAM  //  24 = SKY  //
25 = SEED  //  26 = SHAG  //  27 = SHEET  //  28 = SUB (submarine)  //
29 = SOUP  //  30 = MOWER  //

31 = MEAL  //  32 = MAZE (labyrinth)  //  33 = AMMO  //
34 = MIKE (microphone)  //  35 = MEADOW  //  36 = MAG (magazine)  //
37 = MOTH  //  38 = MOB  //  39 = MAP  //  40 = CROW  //

41 = COIL  //  42 = KEYS  //  43 = CAM * //  44 = COKE  //
45 = COD  //  46 = COG  //  47 = CAFE  //  48 = CUBE  //
49 = CAP  //  50 = DEER  //

51 = VEIL  //  52 = VASE  //  53 = DOME  //  54 = DUKE  //
55 = DOVE  //  56 = DOG  //  57 = VOTE (imagine a small envelope)  //
58 = DAUB  //  59 = DEN  //  60 = GEAR  //

61 = GEL  //  62 = GAUZE  //  63 =  GEM  //  64 = JUICE  //
65 = GOD  //  66 = GAUGE  //  67 = GUT  //  68 = GOB  //
69 = GENIE  //  70 = FUR  //

71 = FOOL  //  72 = FUSE  //  73 = TEAM  //  74 = FACE  //
75 = TIDE  //  76 = TOGA  //  77 = FOOT  //  78 = TUBE  //
79 = TAP  //  80 = BAR  //

81 = BILE  //  82 = BUS  //  83 = BEAM  //  84 = BIKE  //  85 = BUD  //
86 = BAG  //  87 = BOOT  //  88 = BIB  //  89 = BONE  //  90 = PEAR  //

91 = POLE  //  92 = NOSE  //  93 = PUMA  //  94 = PEAK  //
95 = PAD  //  96 = PIG  //  97 = POT  //  98 = NIB  //  99 = PIPE  //
100 = LORRY (motor truck)  //

* For CAM, you can imagine a video cam.

It won't take long to learn this file. Just start creating a weird story linking consecutively until you complete the first group of ten words. Once you do that, connect the last word of this group to the first one of the next group, for example, LYRE to LILY, and continue doing so until you have the file completely memorized.

After learning this file, it will be very easy for you to memorize all the following numbers:

NOTE:  This is a special file for English, and there is another special file for Spanish. This means that an electronic translator won't work in this case, no matter how good it can be. If you are neither a native English speaker nor a native Spanish speaker, you can use one of the two files, (the English one or the Spanish one), or you can create one in your native language, based on what you have learnt here.

Keep on visiting this blog and learn much more.

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